Experiences that color children’s lives!

Let’s shape children’s reality through education and social responsibility!

Get exciting news for mindful children.

    • Our Values

    Learning changes Knowledge

    Share our enthusiasm Passion

    Believe in the power Unity

    Learn with Us!

    Are you a governor?

    November 2020

    An exciting course that teaches children basic principles on how to run a country through entertaining activities and games.

    With proper governance, life will improve for all!

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    Financial literacy is a must for everyone!


    This engaging online course is a valuable introduction to the world of Finance.

    To master money, you must manage money!

    Contact us
    Entrepreneurship is about developing a growth mindset!


    This is a hands-on project where children learn how to transform an idea into a profitable product.

    It’s never too early to start-up!

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    Do you even Bitcoin?


    This is a fun course that teaches the basic concepts of cryptocurrencies and the technology behind them.

    “Bitcoin is a technological tour de force” Bill Gates

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    Be part of it!

    Christmas Challenge

    Children created original toys which were donated as Christmas gifts to their vulnerable peers through the Millennium Chapel!

    You’ll be surprised by their impact!



    Exient - Malta

    Covid-19 Webinar

    Join this Free Educational Webinar to explore how Malta has dealt with the crisis, and discover the impact of the pandemic on various industries, employment and people’s lives in general. 

    More details to follow.


    Masks Challenge

    Children created original Covid-19 masks and wrote motivational messages that were sent to disadvantaged children under the Millennium Chapel wings!



    Scavenger Escape - Malta
    Malta Sailing Experiences

    Our Values


    Learning changes minds and awareness changes lives. We provide educational materials to expand children’s knowledge horizons and we engage in social projects to improve collective perception.

    “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”

    Nelson Mandela


    We believe in the power of unity and the impact that each individual has on the world, therefore we encourage social responsibility through our activities.

    “Learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else”

    Leonardo Da Vinci


    Passion is our driving force to be creative in what we do. We share our enthusiasm by creating entertaining activities that will result in joyful experiences for our students, collaborators and supporters.

    “Only passions, great passions, can elevate the soul to great things”

    Denis Diderot

    We value our partners!

    Do you feel you can bring a valuable contribution to this lovely project?

    We are eager to hear from you!

    Contact us

    Let’s Connect

    Please do not hesitate to contact us!

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